@Work{OL1068520W, title: {Le judaïsme comme race et comme religion}, author: {Ernest Renan}, first_publish_year: {1883} } @Work{OL1068530W, title: {Les Évangiles et la seconde génération chrétienne}, author: {Ernest Renan}, first_publish_year: {1870} } @Work{OL1068531W, title: {Mélanges d'histoire et de voyages}, author: {Ernest Renan}, first_publish_year: {1878} } @Work{OL1068546W, title: {Averroès et l'averroïsme}, author: {Ernest Renan}, first_publish_year: {1861} } @Work{OL1068541W, title: {Les apôtres}, author: {Ernest Renan}, first_publish_year: {1866} } @Work{OL13159471W, title: {La réforme intellectuelle et morale}, author: {Ernest Renan}, first_publish_year: {1871} } @Work{OL1068553W, title: {Histoire des origines du Christianisme}, author: {Ernest Renan}, first_publish_year: {1863} } @Work{OL1068547W, title: {La réforme intellectuelle et morale}, author: {Ernest Renan}, first_publish_year: {1872} } @Work{OL15583742W, title: {Pages choisies des grands écrivains}, author: {Ernest Renan}, first_publish_year: {1905} } @Work{OL1068474W, title: {Études sur la politique religieuse du règue de Philippe le Bel ..}, author: {Ernest Renan}, first_publish_year: {1899} } @Work{OL13097437W, title: {Judenthum und Christenthum: Ihre ursprüngliche Indentität und allmälige Scheidung}, author: {Ernest Renan}, first_publish_year: {1883} } @Work{OL13097444W, title: {Questions contemporaines}, author: {Ernest Renan}, first_publish_year: {1868} } @Work{OL13097440W, title: {L'Islamisme et la science: conférence faite à la Sorbonne, le 29 mars 1883}, author: {Ernest Renan}, first_publish_year: {1883} } @Work{OL1068552W, title: {The apostles}, author: {Ernest Renan}, first_publish_year: {1866} } @Work{OL1068540W, title: {Histoire générale et système comparé des langues sémitiques}, author: {Ernest Renan}, first_publish_year: {1855} } @Work{OL15699124W, title: {Voyages}, author: {Ernest Renan}, first_publish_year: {1900} } @Work{OL1068544W, title: {History of the people of Israel}, author: {Ernest Renan}, first_publish_year: {1888} } @Work{OL1068539W, title: {Dialogues et fragments philosophiques}, author: {Ernest Renan}, first_publish_year: {1876} } @Work{OL6829065W, title: {Ernest Renan}, author: {William Francis Barry}, first_publish_year: {1905} } @Work{OL15433394W, title: {La part de la famille et de l'état dans l'éducation}, author: {Ernest Renan}, first_publish_year: {1869} } @Work{OL7896760W, title: {Ernest Renan}, author: {Lewis F. Mott}, first_publish_year: {1921} } @Work{OL15579250W, title: {Pages françaises}, author: {Ernest Renan}, first_publish_year: {1921} } @Work{OL1068517W, title: {Histoire du peuple d'Israël}, author: {Ernest Renan}, first_publish_year: {1887} } @Work{OL1068526W, title: {Studies of religious history and criticism}, author: {Ernest Renan}, first_publish_year: {1864} } @Work{OL1068507W, title: {Renan's letters from the Holy Land}, author: {Ernest Renan}, first_publish_year: {1904} } @Work{OL1068533W, title: {Antichrist}, author: {Ernest Renan}, first_publish_year: {1843} } @Work{OL13097442W, title: {Nouvelles considérations sur le caractere général des peuples sémitiques: et en particulier sur ..}, author: {Ernest Renan}, first_publish_year: {1859} } @Work{OL1068550W, title: {Nouvelles études d'histoire religieuse.}, author: {Ernest Renan}, first_publish_year: {1884} } @Work{OL13098950W, title: {Conférences d'Angleterre: Rome et le christianisme (conférences Hibbert); Marc-Aurèle}, author: {Ernest Renan}, first_publish_year: {1880} } @Work{OL15583693W, title: {Patrice}, author: {Ernest Renan}, first_publish_year: {1908} } @Work{OL1068549W, title: {Marc-Aurèle et la fin du monde antique}, author: {Ernest Renan}, first_publish_year: {1882} } @Work{OL13097445W, title: {Études d'histoire religieuse}, author: {Ernest Renan}, first_publish_year: {1897} } @Work{OL1068514W, title: {De l'origine du langage}, author: {Ernest Renan}, first_publish_year: {1859} } @Work{OL1068551W, title: {Saint Paul}, author: {Ernest Renan}, first_publish_year: {1868} } @Work{OL1068545W, title: {Lectures on the influence of the institutions, thought and culture of Rome, on Christianity and the development of the Catholic church}, author: {Ernest Renan}, first_publish_year: {1884} } @Work{OL17040761W, title: {L'Ecclésiaste}, author: {Ernest Renan}, first_publish_year: {1882} } @Work{OL17027738W, title: {Le Livre de Job}, author: {Ernest Renan}, first_publish_year: {1865} } @Work{OL1068434W, title: {Lettres du séminaire, 1838-1846}, author: {Ernest Renan}, first_publish_year: {1902} } @Work{OL1068554W, title: {Souvenirs d'enfance et de jeunesse}, author: {Ernest Renan}, first_publish_year: {1883} } @Work{OL1068536W, title: {The future of science}, author: {Ernest Renan}, first_publish_year: {1891} } @Work{OL1068527W, title: {Essais de morale et de critique}, author: {Ernest Renan}, first_publish_year: {1859} } @Work{OL1068492W, title: {La Chaire d'Hébreu au Collége de France}, author: {Ernest Renan}, first_publish_year: {1862} } @Work{OL15237453W, title: {Ernest Renan}, author: {Paul Bourget}, first_publish_year: {1883} } @Work{OL228315W, title: {Life of Ernest Renan}, author: {Francis Espinasse}, first_publish_year: {1895} } @Work{OL1068506W, title: {Renan's Antichrist}, author: {Ernest Renan}, first_publish_year: {1899} } @Work{OL1068523W, title: {Recollections and letters of Ernest Renan}, author: {Ernest Renan}, first_publish_year: {1892} } @Work{OL1068515W, title: {Drames philosophiques}, author: {Ernest Renan}, first_publish_year: {1888} } @Work{OL1068518W, title: {L' abbesse de Jouarre}, author: {Ernest Renan}, first_publish_year: {1886} } @Work{OL1068521W, title: {Marcus Aurelius}, author: {Ernest Renan}, first_publish_year: {1889} } @Work{OL1068488W, title: {Feuilles détachées, faisant suite aux Souvenirs d'enfance et de jeunesse}, author: {Ernest Renan}, first_publish_year: {1892} } @Work{OL1068480W, title: {An essay on the age and antiquity of the Book of Nabathaean agriculture}, author: {Ernest Renan}, first_publish_year: {1862} } @Work{OL1068395W, title: {Fragments intimes et romanesques}, author: {Ernest Renan}, first_publish_year: {1914} } @Work{OL1068468W, title: {Spinoza: conférence tenue à La Haye le 12 février 1877, deux-centième ..}, author: {Ernest Renan}, first_publish_year: {1877} } @Work{OL1068376W, title: {Caliban, suite de La tempête}, author: {Ernest Renan}, first_publish_year: {1878} } @Work{OL1068424W, title: {Le prêtre de Némi}, author: {Ernest Renan}, first_publish_year: {1886} } @Work{OL1068452W, title: {The poetry of the Celtic races, and other essays}, author: {Ernest Renan}, first_publish_year: {1896} } @Work{OL1068416W, title: {L' avenir de la science, pensées de 1848}, author: {Ernest Renan}, first_publish_year: {1890} } @Work{OL1068394W, title: {Examen de conscience philosophique}, author: {Ernest Renan}, first_publish_year: {1889} } @Author{OL108294A, name: {Ernest Renan}, birth_date: {28 February 1823} , death_date: {2 October 1892} }