@Work{OL468431W, title: {The Great Gatsby}, author: {F. Scott Fitzgerald}, first_publish_year: {1920} } @Work{OL41495W, title: {A Wrinkle in Time}, author: {Madeleine L'Engle}, first_publish_year: {1962} } @Work{OL23204W, title: {Of Mice and Men}, author: {John Steinbeck}, first_publish_year: {1937} } @Work{OL23205W, title: {The Grapes of Wrath}, author: {John Steinbeck}, first_publish_year: {1939} } @Work{OL278851W, title: {The Art of War}, author: {Sun Tzu}, first_publish_year: {1910} } @Work{OL38494W, title: {Cryptonomicon}, author: {Neal Stephenson}, first_publish_year: {1999} } @Work{OL2636675W, title: {Gravity's Rainbow}, author: {Thomas Pynchon}, first_publish_year: {1973} } @Work{OL1932217W, title: {Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University}, author: {Dave Ramsey}, first_publish_year: {2004} } @Author{OL231782A, name: {Dave Ramsey}, }