@Book{OL13213188M, title: {SIMPLE CANTONESE - ENGLISH CONVERSATION (Book \& Audiocassette)}, author: {Martin Lam}, publisher: {Intellectual Publishing Co.}, year: {1987}, } @Book{OL24150522M, title: {Readings in Cantonese colloquial}, author: {J. Dyer Ball}, publisher: {Kelly}, year: {1894}, place: {Hongkong}, } @Work{OL16336711W, title: {The Cantonese made easy vocabulary}, author: {J. Dyer Ball}, first_publish_year: {1908} } @Work{OL132214W, title: {Cantonese made easy}, author: {J. Dyer Ball}, first_publish_year: {1888} } @Work{OL7893911W, title: {Cantonese for beginners}, author: {Jiang, Keqiu.}, first_publish_year: {1900} } @Work{OL7887509W, title: {Cantonese apothegms}, author: {Harry Jabez Stevens}, first_publish_year: {1902} } @Work{OL15695732W, title: {Speak Cantonese}, author: {Parker Po-fei Huang}, first_publish_year: {1962} } @Work{OL15696266W, title: {Speak cantonese, book 2.}, author: {Parker Po-fei Huang}, first_publish_year: {1962} } @Work{OL15410829W, title: {Let's talk Cantonese}, author: {Victoria Liu}, first_publish_year: {1994} } @Work{OL13704729W, title: {Speak Cantonese}, author: {Huang, Po-fei and Parker Po-fei Huang}, first_publish_year: {1963} } @Work{OL11673845W, title: {Everybody's Cantonese}, author: {Yeung Kwong Chan}, first_publish_year: {1955} } @Work{OL232778W, title: {English and Cantonese dictionary}, author: {Chalmers, John}, first_publish_year: {1907} } @Work{OL16318627W, title: {Cantonese love-songs}, first_publish_year: {1904} } @Work{OL13802169W, title: {Cantonese love songs}, author: {[Chao, Tzŭ-yung], chü jên, 1816}, first_publish_year: {1904} } @Author{OL6640858A, name: {[Chao, Tzŭ-yung], chü jên, 1816}, }