@Work{OL2970000W, title: {Holy warriors}, author: {Jonathan Phillips}, first_publish_year: {2009} } @Work{OL4139123W, title: {A history of the Crusades}, author: {Kenneth Meyer Setton}, first_publish_year: {1955} } @Work{OL1096771W, title: {The history of chivalry}, author: {G. P. R. James}, first_publish_year: {1830} } @Work{OL2848676W, title: {The crusades}, author: {Harold Lamb}, first_publish_year: {1930} } @Work{OL98360W, title: {Saladin}, author: {Diane Stanley}, first_publish_year: {2002} } @Work{OL4947448W, title: {History Of The Crusades}, author: {Joseph François Michaud and William Robson}, first_publish_year: {1800} } @Work{OL15059264W, title: {God's battalions}, author: {Rodney Stark}, first_publish_year: {2009} } @Work{OL1535030W, title: {The First Crusade}, author: {August C. Krey}, first_publish_year: {1921} } @Work{OL3056010W, title: {Crusading warfare, 1097-1193}, author: {R. C. Smail}, first_publish_year: {1956} } @Work{OL10335651W, title: {A history of the Crusades}, author: {Sir Steven Runciman}, first_publish_year: {1951} } @Work{OL7703267W, title: {The age of the crusades}, author: {James M. Ludlow}, first_publish_year: {1896} } @Work{OL1284990W, title: {The life and letters of Edward Gibbon}, author: {Edward Gibbon}, first_publish_year: {1880} } @Work{OL8758080W, title: {The Crusades}, author: {T. A. Archer}, first_publish_year: {1894} } @Author{OL2981213A, name: {T. A. Archer}, }