@Book{OL24205139M, title: {Diary of a Wimpy Kid Rodrick Rules}, author: {Jeff Kinney}, publisher: {Amulet Books}, year: {2008}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL24405436M, title: {Captain Underpants and the Attack of the Talking Toilets}, author: {Dav Pilkey}, publisher: {Scholastic Inc.}, year: {1999}, } @Book{OL26455087M, title: {Big Nate}, author: {David walliams}, publisher: {Andrews McMeel Publishing}, year: {2013}, } @Book{OL7512393M, title: {The all new Captain Underpants extra-crunchy Book O' Fun 2}, author: {Dav Pilkey}, publisher: {Blue Sky Press}, year: {2002}, } @Book{OL24750793M, title: {Big Nate Boredom Buster}, author: {David walliams}, publisher: {Harper, an Imprint of HarperCollins Publishers}, year: {2011}, } @Book{OL3392071M, title: {The History of Love}, author: {Nicole Krauss}, publisher: {Norton}, year: {2005}, place: {New York}, } @Work{OL104360W, title: {Stink}, author: {Megan McDonald}, first_publish_year: {2001} } @Work{OL1084494W, title: {Poems}, author: {James Thomson}, first_publish_year: {1774} } @Author{OL112731A, name: {James Thomson}, birth_date: {1700} , death_date: {1748} }