@Book{OL9559772M, title: {Xenocide}, author: {Orson Scott Card}, publisher: {Tor Books}, year: {1991}, } @Book{OL9639573M, title: {Speaker for the Dead}, author: {Orson Scott Card}, publisher: {Tor}, year: {1987}, } @Book{OL17032197M, title: {Ender in Exile}, author: {Orson Scott Card}, publisher: {Tor}, year: {2008}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL28230774M, title: {Ender's game}, author: {Orson Scott Card}, publisher: {Tor}, year: {2013}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL9376736M, title: {Children of the Mind}, author: {Orson Scott Card}, publisher: {Tor}, year: {1997}, } @Book{OL24967684M, title: {A war of gifts}, author: {Orson Scott Card}, publisher: {Tor}, year: {2007}, place: {New York}, } @Author{OL25161A, name: {Orson Scott Card}, birth_date: {August 24, 1951} }