@Book{OL5046499M, title: {The directory of the occult}, author: {Hans Holzer}, publisher: {H. Regnery Co.}, year: {1974}, place: {Chicago}, } @Book{OL2718656M, title: {The Illustrated guide to the supernatural}, author: {Sarah Litvinoff}, publisher: {G.K. Hall \& Co.}, year: {1986}, place: {Boston, MA}, } @Work{OL4688251W, title: {Echoes from the Gnosis}, author: {G. R. S. Mead}, first_publish_year: {1906} } @Work{OL3339953W, title: {Occult glossary}, author: {G. de Purucker}, first_publish_year: {1933} } @Work{OL4776200W, title: {Secrets of Mayan science/religion}, author: {Hunbatz Men}, first_publish_year: {1990} } @Work{OL3750637W, title: {A treasury of witchcraft}, author: {Harry Ezekiel Wedeck}, first_publish_year: {1961} } @Work{OL102103W, title: {The occult}, author: {Colin Wilson}, first_publish_year: {1971} } @Work{OL15134688W, title: {The book of the sacred magic of Abra-Melin the mage}, author: {Abraham ben Simeon of Worms}, first_publish_year: {1932} } @Author{OL857910A, name: {Abraham ben Simeon of Worms}, birth_date: {15th cent.} }