@Book{OL23285307M, title: {The Celtic twilight}, author: {William Butler Yeats}, publisher: {A. H. Bullen}, year: {1902}, place: {London}, } @Work{OL53908W, title: {Adventures of Huckleberry Finn}, author: {Mark Twain}, first_publish_year: {1876} } @Work{OL53919W, title: {The Adventures of Tom Sawyer}, author: {Mark Twain}, first_publish_year: {1817} } @Work{OL54147W, title: {Tom Sawyer, Detective}, author: {Mark Twain and Grover Gardner narrator}, first_publish_year: {1897} } @Work{OL53994W, title: {The Prince and the Pauper}, author: {Mark Twain}, first_publish_year: {1881} } @Work{OL54123W, title: {A Double Barrelled Detective Story}, author: {Mark Twain}, first_publish_year: {1902} } @Work{OL54130W, title: {Mark Twain's (Burlesque) Autobiography and First Romance}, author: {Mark Twain}, first_publish_year: {1871} } @Work{OL54132W, title: {What Is Man? and Other Essays}, author: {Mark Twain}, first_publish_year: {1917} } @Work{OL15290074W, title: {How to Tell a Story and Other Essays (8 works)}, author: {Mark Twain}, first_publish_year: {1897} } @Work{OL54121W, title: {The choice humorous works of Mark Twain}, author: {Mark Twain}, first_publish_year: {1874} } @Author{OL18319A, name: {Mark Twain}, birth_date: {30 November 1835} , death_date: {21 April 1910} }