@Book{OL6275850M, title: {Buddhism in China}, author: {Samuel Beal}, publisher: {Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge}, year: {1884}, place: {London [etc.]}, } @Book{OL5619924M, title: {Chinese Buddhism}, author: {Joseph Edkins}, publisher: {Trübner \& Co.}, year: {1880}, place: {London}, } @Book{OL14037609M, title: {Religion in China}, author: {Joseph Edkins}, publisher: {J.R. Osgood and Company}, year: {1878}, place: {Boston}, } @Work{OL128810W, title: {Chinese Buddhism}, author: {Joseph Edkins}, first_publish_year: {1880} } @Work{OL1254015W, title: {The religion of the Chinese}, author: {J. J. M. de Groot}, first_publish_year: {1910} } @Work{OL13148533W, title: {Religion in China: Containing a Brief Account of the Three Religions of the Chinese: with ..}, author: {Joseph Edkins}, first_publish_year: {1893} } @Work{OL6790911W, title: {The three religions of China}, author: {William Edward Soothill}, first_publish_year: {1913} } @Work{OL7725470W, title: {Asian Christology and the Mahayana}, author: {E. A. Gordon}, first_publish_year: {1921} } @Work{OL1435814W, title: {Chinese religion through Hindu eyes}, author: {Benoy Kumar Sarkar}, first_publish_year: {1916} } @Work{OL257013W, title: {Chinese life in the Tibetan foothills}, author: {James Hutson}, first_publish_year: {1921} } @Work{OL29212W, title: {A brief history of early Chinese philosophy}, author: {Daisetsu Teitaro Suzuki}, first_publish_year: {1914} } @Work{OL1530144W, title: {China and the Chinese}, author: {Fryer, John}, first_publish_year: {1897} } @Work{OL4686310W, title: {Buddhist China}, author: {Sir Reginald Fleming Johnston}, first_publish_year: {1913} } @Work{OL15926070W, title: {Oriental religions and their relation to universal religion}, author: {Samuel Johnson (American preacher)}, first_publish_year: {1877} } @Work{OL8566214W, title: {Studies in Chinese Religion 1910}, author: {E. H. Parker}, first_publish_year: {2004} } @Author{OL2873417A, name: {E. H. Parker}, }