@Book{OL6650527M, title: {The lace \& embroidery collector}, author: {R. E. Head}, publisher: {Dodd, Mead and company}, year: {1922}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL7113128M, title: {Gothic ornaments}, author: {James Kellaway Colling}, publisher: {Pub. for the proprietors, by G. Bell}, year: {1848}, place: {London}, } @Book{OL25127400M, title: {Motifs pour broderies}, author: {Thérèse de Dillmont}, publisher: {Editions Th. de Dillmont}, year: {1922}, place: {Mulhouse, France}, } @Book{OL23302740M, title: {A handbook of ornament}, author: {Franz Sales Meyer}, publisher: {Architectural book pub. co.}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL6604280M, title: {Jewelry making and design}, author: {Augustus F. Rose}, publisher: {Metal crafts publishing co.}, year: {1917}, place: {Providence, R.I}, } @Book{OL6935312M, title: {On the Muhammadan architecture of Bharoch, Cambay, Dholka, Champanir, and Mahmudabad in Gujarat.}, author: {James Burgess}, publisher: {W. Griggs \& sons, limited; [etc., etc.]}, year: {1896}, place: {London}, } @Book{OL7197337M, title: {Art crafts for amateurs}, author: {Fred Miller, decorative artist}, publisher: {Truslove, Hanson \& Comba, Ld.}, year: {1901}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL13497833M, title: {Block prints from India for textiles}, year: {1924}, place: {Chicago}, } @Book{OL23301316M, title: {Geometrical drawing and design}, author: {J. Humphrey Spanton}, publisher: {Macmillan and Co., Limited}, year: {1913}, place: {London}, } @Book{OL24184631M, title: {The anatomy of pattern}, author: {Lewis Foreman Day}, publisher: {B.T. Batsford}, year: {1887}, place: {London}, } @Book{OL20492206M, title: {The Training of a Craftsman}, author: {Fred Miller}, publisher: {H. Virtue \& co., limited}, year: {1901}, } @Work{OL2700123W, title: {Hiroshima}, author: {John Richard Hersey}, first_publish_year: {1946} } @Work{OL1944250W, title: {Women Who Think Too Much}, author: {Susan Nolen-Hoeksema}, first_publish_year: {2003} } @Work{OL7309236W, title: {My way of life}, author: {Joan Crawford}, first_publish_year: {1971} } @Work{OL4088156W, title: {2,286 traditional stencil designs}, author: {H. Roessing}, first_publish_year: {1991} } @Work{OL4082710W, title: {Decorative flower and leaf designs}, author: {Hofmann, Richard of Plauen im Vogtland.}, first_publish_year: {1991} } @Author{OL764505A, name: {Hofmann, Richard of Plauen im Vogtland.}, }